Soviet Museum Visitor of the 1930s: the Nature of the Views and Perceptions on the Material of Book Review

  • Elena Svyatoslavovna Milanovskaya National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: museum visitor, museum comment book, USSR, ideology, 1930s, public and personal voice


The following article aims to examine the identity of a Soviet museum visitor by analyzing visitor comment books of the 1930s. The content of the comment books from the type-different Moscow museums is full of the time echoes. The article analyses the social atmosphere, the power of propaganda and options of specific individual voices which were fixed on a paper in a direct speech way. The view on notes helps to understand how actively did the audience respond to the manifestation of ideology and what was the kind of control over what visitors wrote in the books.


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Author Biography

Elena Svyatoslavovna Milanovskaya, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Graduate student National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)


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Кеменов В. (1936) О формалистах и “отсталом” зрителе. Литературная газета, 24 февраля 1936, 6.

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Розенталь Л. (ред.) (1928) Изучение музейного зрителя: Сборник методическо-просветительского отдела., М.: Изд-во ГТГ.

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ДФ ПМ, Ф.100, оп. 25, КП 30250/40

ДФ ПМ, Ф.100, оп. 25, КП 30250/63;

ДФ ПМ Ф.100, оп. 25, КП 30250/64

ДФ ПМ, Ф.100, оп. 25, КП 30250/40

ОР ГМИИ, Ф. 5, оп. I, ед. хр. 2030а

ОР ГМИИ, Ф. 5 оп. I, ед. хр. 2079а

ОР ГМИИ, Ф. 5, оп. I, ед. хр. 1083

ОР ГМИИ, Ф. 5, оп. I, ед. хр. 1807.

ОР ГТГ, Ф.,8, оп. III, ед. хр. 646


Архив ГДМ — Архив Государственного Дарвиновского музея

ОР ГМИИ — Отдел рукописей ГМИИ им. А.С. Пушкина

ОР ГТГ — Отдел рукописей Государственной Третьяковской галереи

ДФ ПМ — Документальный фонд Политехнического музея

How to Cite
Milanovskaya E. S. (2019). Soviet Museum Visitor of the 1930s: the Nature of the Views and Perceptions on the Material of Book Review. Communications. Media. Design, 4(4), 67-88. Retrieved from
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